Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome to our grad student world...

Have you ever felt like this?

Me: Stop tormenting me, grad school!
Grad School: No! You're mine! You'll always be mine. You will never be free of my tyrannical grasp.
Me: No, it can't be true.  This relationship is dysfunctional.  All I do is give, and you never appreciate me.
Grad School: I know.  Mwaaahaha!  And you'll never find someone to love you as much as I do.
Me: Oh no, you've beaten me into submission yet again.  I guess I'll go back to my Macbook and write some more analyses and cry a little.

We are a group of students who feel your pain.  Yet we persevere, due to the awesomeness of our social network, and we hope this network helps you too.

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